Does your company use our integration, Zendesk for NetSuite?
Had any issue during your subscription with it or just flawlessly reaping the integration’s benefits? Remember that you can always grab an integration review from our staff anytime.
Now, Zendesk for NetSuite integration subscribers have been really active in our Community bring up new ideas, problems and even raving about their successes. See here to view what folks are talking about today.
Need to sync Customer and Order History using Zendesk for NetSuite?
Most Zendesk for NetSuite integration subscribers want to have their Zendesk customer base synchronized with all NetSuite customers and order history to allow support agents to quickly see into the NetSuite financial status of each. This is now easier than ever by installing our free Zendesk App which comes with every Enterprise SyncApps plan. Through our Zendesk App, NetSuite order history for every synced customer on the ticket will be shown, which can be seen on the right side of the Zendesk UI in ticket view.
See the full conversation here.
Want your customers’ last 5 NetSuite Sales Orders synced to Zendesk?
Just download the Zendesk App first or also in Step 1 of setup in your Sync Profile select it. Press here to download the Zendesk App for NetSuite and it can be installed directly to Zendesk to use with your SyncApps.
Want Zendesk Ticket Data synced directly to NetSuite Cases, including custom fields? These are the following supported modes:
1. Zendesk Ticket to NetSuite Case (One way ticket sync)
Zendesk Ticket is synced to NetSuite Case. Update in Zendesk ticket is always synced to NetSuite Case. NetSuite Contacts or Customers can be synced to Zendesk User.
2. NetSuite Case to Zendesk Ticket (One way ticket sync)
NetSuite Case is synced to Zendesk Ticket. Update in NetSuite Case is always synced to Zendesk Ticket. NetSuite Contacts or Customers can be synced to Zendesk User.
3. Sync Zendesk Ticket to NetSuite Case only if NetSuite Case does not exist. Sync NetSuite Case update to Zendesk Ticket.
Sync Zendesk Ticket to NetSuite Case. A NetSuite Case is created in NetSuite if the Case does not exist at time of sync. Any updates in NetSuite Case are synced back to Zendesk Ticket. Update to Zendesk fields are not synced to NetSuite Case fields. Sync comments two ways. NetSuite Contacts or Customers can be synced to Zendesk User.
Once your Sync Mode for the integration has been selected, it can no longer be changed. Note that using two active Sync Profiles with different Sync Integration Modes could cause data synchronization problems.
Zendesk App issues? Do note that after downloading the .zip file for the Cazoomi Zendesk App yet find in your Zendesk Apps that it is still saying it’s “not installed”, do make sure that the Auth token for the Cazoomi Zendesk App have been placed into the App. See the full conversation here.
Encounter any of these ERRORS using Zendesk for NetSuite?
Errors cannot totally be avoided in integration yet knowing how to fix these errors like when an error saying UNEXPECTED_ERROR appears during a sync process is key. This specific error happens when SyncApps tries to retrieve additional information about a NetSuite contact or customer during the field mapping retrieval stage. That error is the only information returned by NetSuite’s API so it’s necessary to ask NetSuite support and mention the error. Though the customer records are still synced, some fields might haven’t been correctly translated into name (but rather the ID).
Just to be sure, check the following field values:
A subscriber experienced this error, and noticed that the “Support Type – user” field in Zendesk displays a number value instead of syncing a text value from NetSuite to Zendesk. Though they made sure that the user credentials being used in SyncApps had permission for Custom Lists or Custom Records, seems that they noticed NetSuite showed “Support Type” as a non-inventory item. They said that the item itself may be “Support by Partner” but as it’s a subitem of the parent item “Support”, it appears on a listing within NetSuite as “Support: Support by Partner”. Then they tested syncing with another set of items and subitems but is showing the same kind of behavior, showing another numeric value instead of a text value. Until they found out that the issue is on the NetSuite’s side, for NetSuite does like outputting the data for custom list fields.
This was resolved when creating non-visible (on the form in NetSuite that is) plain text fields which reference the selection is being made in the custom list field. See the full conversation here.
Another error, USER_ERROR, which sometimes popup up during a Zendesk for NetSuite sync is around the NetSuite form requiring certain values like Assigned To or Case Issue. What this means is the NetSuite Assigned To and Case Issue fields are set as mandatory but not being populated by the sync. To solve this, you can set Case Issue and Assigned To as not mandatory in NetSuite. Errors like this might occur if you are trying to do a large data migration so you might also turn off the NetSuite Case form required fields for testing OR map fields in Step 4 of your Sync Profile from Zendesk to NetSuite.
(Additional field mapping is optional. Basic ticket fields such as subject, description, type, status, priority are already mapped).
These are the following mappings that are used for Zendesk to NetSuite sync:
See the full conversation here.
If there are other errors that you encounter during your subscription with Zendesk for NetSuite integration, always feel free to contact our support team at [[email protected]] and rest assured that your issues will be handled quickly.
New Contacts are created as “Customers” rather than “Leads in syncing with NetSuite?
A subscriber integrating Zendesk for NetSuite pointed out an issue they were having when someone makes an inquiry via Zendesk and when synced, the contact is created as a customer rather than as a lead in NetSuite. Normally, NetSuite creates new inquiries as “leads” until they make a purchase, at which point they are converted into “customers”.
As a Cazoomi customization, using a new tag in Zendesk this can be overcome. Through using a tag a new lead can be created in NetSuite, then attach a new case instead of a new case for the contact associated with the existing customer. To wrap it up just edit your Sync Profile to select:
The subscriber also has a requirement that when a new person with whom they they have had no contact submits an enquiry via Zendesk, the sync creates a new “lead record” rather than creating a new “customer record” and then attaches the case to the lead record.
An explanation to this is that in NetSuite, a lead status will create a lead record, prospect status creates a prospect record and a customer status creates a customer record. Which in this case, Customer – Lead Status was always needed to be created.
So, if your company needs this type of an option it can be implemented as a customization but only per Sync Profile. So contact our support team [[email protected]] to obtain this customization. See the full conversation here.
Want to sync time tracking from your Zendesk to NetSuite?
Are you excited about this new feature? See the full details here.
On a trial account with Zendesk for NetSuite integration and syncing complete case conversation doesn’t work?
Before this summer, when on a trial account with Zendesk for NetSuite integration, complete case conversations from Zendesk wouldn’t sync to NetSuite, but only the initial comment that was sent by a person. That means, response comments won’t show up in the NetSuite case record. But now, this is allowed within the 100 record limit on the trial. See the full conversation here.
Need NetSuite Customers to be created or mapped to Zendesk Organizations?
If you are a Zendesk for NetSuite integration subscriber and need customers to be mapped to organizations, it can be setup within your integration.
See options below:
Only use more than one NetSuite Saved Search only if it is not possible to create the required Saved Search criteria in one NetSuite Saved Search. See the full conversation here.
Zendesk for NetSuite is one of our fastest growing integration services this year so be sure to catch it and all our NetSuite integrations here…