Sync Revenue Data From NetSuite to HubSpot

Angie oversees Cazoomi's operations. She enjoys traveling, loves dogs, is a 1% Pledge supporter, and a start-up entrepreneur with investments in several APAC startups. 2 minute read

sync revenue data netsuite to hubspot

Looking for an integration that lets you pass or sync revenue data from NetSuite to HubSpot? Such revenue data comes from the financial system of NetSuite. Look no further! Definitely, it is SyncApps’ NetSuite to HubSpot integration.

A subscriber just recently raised this certain idea whether SyncApps supports such an integration scenario to sync revenue data specifically from NetSuite to HubSpot. Specific fields needed to map include:

1. Date of first invoice issued
2. Date of latest invoice
3. Amount of latest invoice
4. Total invoice amount for each company (Total Revenue)
5. Number of invoices for each company

And sure, SyncApps can meet this requirement!

sync revenue data netsuite to hubspot

Instead of mapping fields from multiple objects like the Customer, Contact, or an Invoice record, a best practice using SyncApps is just to use a NetSuite Transaction Saved Search.

To elaborate, use a Transaction Saved Search to drive records from NetSuite into HubSpot is simple OR you can also create those 5 fields on the Customer record in NetSuite and map them in SyncApps to be populated into HubSpot as well. Just an issue with that is they would always be updating NetSuite to HubSpot, if this is ok then you can do this method.

Take a NetSuite for HubSpot test drive today!

If you hit any snags, give our experts a shout-out [email protected].

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