The Process of Requirements Gathering in Integration Projects

Angie oversees Cazoomi's operations. She enjoys traveling, loves dogs, is a 1% Pledge supporter, and a start-up entrepreneur with investments in several APAC startups. 5 minute read

Ready to let integration handle the nitty-gritty of your business while you handle strategy? Congrats! But before you dive in, let’s talk about requirements gathering for integration.

Much like any other process, integration is only as successful as the requirements you have for it are clear. While there is no integration requirements template because every business is unique, there are a few good practices you should follow.

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What Is the Requirements Gathering Process for Integration?

The requirements gathering process for integration projects is a complex task of identifying and documenting all the capabilities, specifications and every decision taken to complete a project.

This process begins before the project. The team gets to document every step taken in the project from the beginning, be it the approval of the project charter or the selection of a project sponsor.

However, some companies must be aware of the importance of this process. It tends to be overlooked.

Justifiably, although not an excuse, a firm may need to pay more attention to the process due to budget constraints or a strict timeline.

However, ignoring this all-important step in the project is a grave mistake. Without undertaking an information-gathering process, the firm lacks a point of reference for all the steps carried out towards the completion of the project.

Why is this process so important? What can go wrong if you skip it?

First, it will take longer to implement the integration properly. Second, you will not reap all its benefits. In other words, you will not get the bang for your buck you should be getting.

Let’s take an in-depth look at this process and how to make it work for you, not against you.

The Requirements Gathering Process – the Basics

The requirements-gathering process in the digital ecosystem may be functional or non-functional. The functional process focuses on product functionality.

This process concerns the product’s functionality, capability, features, and usability. The requirements gathering documents here would be the Functional Requirements Documentation (FRD), and the Statement of Work (SOW).

The non-functional requirements-gathering process encompasses all other factors not connected to a product’s functionality. The process explores factors such as performance, security, or technical specifications.

The requirements-gathering process begins with the creation of the project. The team involved will have to gather the scope document and other input documents, such as process documentation and the service level agreements.

The other documents gathered include corporate documentation, such as the rules of engagement or documentation involving similar previous projects.

Obtaining all the relevant documents involved in the project helps the team develop a framework for the firm’s internal and external digital ecosystem.

The data obtained through the documentation also serves as a blueprint for the stakeholders as they know what to expect from the project.

Data Volume in the Requirements Gathering Process

The requirements gathering process entails tracking and analyzing all the relevant data required for the project, such as the B2B or A2A transactions.

The team needs to be aware of the types and volumes of data and their movement within the firm.

This process is lengthy as the team captures all the data required for each integration requirement as part of the more significant integration requirement.

This step helps explore related systems and determine the expected behavior of the processes connected to the project.

Examining the Business Processes

After determining the data patterns and flow, your team must explore the connection between business processes and data volumes.

This step entails exploring the data volumes to determine efficiency or identify bottlenecks that impede real-time data processing.

The aim of examining the business processes is to determine whether the existing processes meet or impede the ecosystem integration requirements.

This will entail looking at the upstream and downstream capabilities of the proposed integration to determine the proposed project’s impact on the existing processes. Your team will have to seek answers to questions such as:

  • What are the business boundaries?
  • Is the integration part of a long-term running process that cuts across all departmental boundaries?
  • Does the communications model in outbound data harness a single-threaded blocking framework?

All this requires a genuine understanding of the business’s needs, including its performance requirements, data volume, and upstream/downstream processes.

In return, you will get integrations that work seamlessly and, more importantly, integrations that help you attain your business goals.

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