Climate Change Is NOT Something Only Nonprofits Should Deal With

Angie oversees Cazoomi's operations. She enjoys traveling, loves dogs, is a 1% Pledge supporter, and a start-up entrepreneur with investments in several APAC startups. 4 minute read

Did you know that, in 2022, the US spent $5.8 billion on climate change actions? Yes, even though the US is the second largest carbon dioxide emitter, after China. 

At the same time, US-based nonprofits spend $9.2 billion yearly addressing climate change challenges. That’s roughly 40% more than the government. Unfair, don’t you think?

Climate Change Is Not Something We Can Postpone Dealing With

Listen, I know it may not seem obvious. Lifespans are longer, and life overall seems better and easier — in most countries. Why bother with climate change? Why not let the future generations deal with it since it’s not a pressing problem NOW?

First off, it is a pressing problem now. Let me give you just a few examples:

  • The rising temperatures we’re all dealing with are literally climate change. The city of Almeria in Southern Spain experienced a minimal temperature of 39 degrees Celsius (that’s 102.2 F!!!) in July 2024. 
  • Heat waves are deadly to people with cardiovascular diseases and contribute to developing these conditions. 
  • Climate change is also responsible for the increase in particulate matter, i.e., the small, invisible, yet toxic particles we all breathe. This, in turn, contributes to a lower lifespan.
  • Extreme weather (hurricanes, tornados, and more) wreaks havoc everywhere, and the same goes for forest fires.
  • Extreme weather, especially heat, contributes to a higher death rate among people with mental illnesses. 

I could go on forever but, if you’re curious about how climate change impacts us, you can read more daunting stats here. However you spin it, though, one thing is clear: we need climate action NOW, not later.

Nonprofits Do the Heavy Lifting in Climate Change

It’s not just about the money they painstakingly collect and spend on climate change actions. It’s also about the work they put in. Sure, money is necessary, but it’s not enough.

There are hundreds of nonprofits working alone on climate change in the US, yet they barely make a dent. 


Because they don’t get the support they need — from the civil society and the government.

How SyncApps Supports Climate Change Nonprofits

All nonprofits, including climate change ones, get a 25% lifetime discount on SyncApps

Is your nonprofit on SyncApps yet? If not, claim your lifetime discount here!

Integrate your marketing, sales and even donation data.


  • All nonprofits get free calls with our consultants. These calls go beyond basic support — they are designed to help our clients leverage SyncApps to the fullest and automate as much as possible.
  • Our integrations and features (especially those for Salesforce NPSP/NPC) are tailor-made for nonprofits because their needs differ from those of for-profit businesses.
  • When SyncApps nonprofit clients work with integration consultants, we prioritize setting up calls with them and ensuring everything in their accounts is set up properly.

How Can You Help Fight Climate Change?

There is no shortage of nonprofits to which you can donate time or money, so you can always start there.

If you run a business, have you ever considered offering a discount to nonprofits? We’ve been doing this for years and know firsthand how much of a difference it can make — nonprofits are always looking for ways to cut operational costs!

Get involved yourself, as an individual or a company — optimize your carbon footprint, use the printer less, recycle, and avoid single-use plastic. You know the drill.

Look, I’m not naive: I know that a single person using less plastic won’t end the climate change crisis. However, the power of example might.

Influence happens in 5s: you can influence 5 people to follow your lead, those 5 people will influence another 5 each, and so on. That’s why I never discount the power of small actions!

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