50 Nonprofit Statistics You Must Know in 2025 and Beyond

Angie oversees Cazoomi's operations. She enjoys traveling, loves dogs, is a 1% Pledge supporter, and a start-up entrepreneur with investments in several APAC startups. 8 minute read

Nonprofit Statistics: 50 Facts that You Didn’t Know about the Nonprofit Industry

If you’re a regular on the SyncApps blog, you know we have a soft spot for nonprofits. They cater to the less fortunate, the discriminated against, the minorities, and, of course, they make the world better for us all through environment-centric programs.

We always keep an eye on nonprofit statistics because this industry makes up more than 25% of our customer base. We have dedicated programs for nonprofits, playbooks, and, naturally, a lifetime discount. 

Since we are always up to date with what happens in the industry, we compiled this list of handy nonprofit statistics for you. You might be surprised at how many people work in this industry and how intense nonprofit activity is. 

Before we dig in, if you’re a nonprofit, you’re going to love our Salesforce NPSP/NPC integrations with Mailchimp, Constant Contact, and others. 

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Alright, promo moment over, let’s dig into the nonprofit statistics.

50 Nonprofit Statistics You Need to Know in 2025 and Beyond

To make it easier for you, we’ve broken down these nonprofit statistics into several categories: revenue, marketing, staffing, fundraising, growth, and trends. So you can skip straight to the categories that you’re most interested in.

Nonprofit Revenue Statistics

A quick caveat: look beyond the large numbers that make the industry look like it’s thriving. Yes, nonprofits got a lot of revenue — in total. But there are millions of them and it’s safe to say not everyone thrives.

You’ll see more details on this is the nonprofit statistics categories below.

  1. Total revenue for nonprofits in the U.S. reached approximately $3.7 trillion in 2024.
  2. Individual donations accounted for $499.33 billion in 2023, representing a significant portion of nonprofit funding.
  3. 67% of total giving in 2023 came from individual donors, totaling around $374.40 billion.
  1. Over 1 million nonprofits in the U.S. reported receiving under $50,000 in revenue in 2023.
  2. Program revenue from the largest U.S. nonprofits amounted to $21.4 billion.
  3. Monthly giving increased by 6%, accounting for 31% of all online giving in 2023.
  4. However, the revenue from one-time gifts decreased by 5% during the same interval. 
  5. Corporate donations rose by 23% from 2021 to 2022, making up about 5% of total nonprofit support.
  6. 17-20% of an average nonprofit’s revenue is raised in December, with a notable spike on the last day of the month.
  7. Nonprofits that use Google Ad Grants earn an average of 332 visits per $1,000 spent on ads.
  8. The average one-time gift was reported at $115, while the average monthly gift was around $24, leading to an annual total of $288.

Nonprofit Marketing Statistics

With millions of nonprofits worldwide, the competition is fiercer than ever. This is why marketing is non-negotiable for this industry.

The nonprofit marketing statistics below paint a different picture, though: with limited budgets, most nonprofits can’t do as much marketing as they need.

  1. Open rates for nonprofit emails range from 15% to 17%, indicating a need for improved engagement strategies.

By the way, personalization is the absolute best way to increase email open rates. Connect your Salesforce NPSP/NPC account with your email marketing platform and send the right message at the right time to all your donors and potential donors — all automated!

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  1. Nonprofits sent an average of 59 email messages per subscriber, with 27 being fundraising appeals.
  2. Response rates to advocacy emails declined by 10% and the response rates to fundraising emails declined by 16% compared to previous years.
  3. Approximately 79% of donors say online videos are crucial in convincing them to contribute.
  4. Nonprofits that actively seek support through advertising secure more monetary donations and attract volunteers.
  5. Only about 14% of nonprofits prompt donors to make their donation a recurring gift during the donation process. What a missed opportunity!
  6. Large nonprofits expanded their donor base by 15% through social media.
  7. The number of subscribers on nonprofit email lists increased by 7% in 2023, despite declining response rates.
  8. In-person events are still the preferred way for nonprofits to raise funds.

Nonprofit Staffing Statistics

After fundraising, staffing is the second biggest challenge in the nonprofit industry. The reasons are fairly easy to infer: nonprofits can’t afford to pay competitive salaries. 

Of course, they can always work with volunteers. But volunteers can rarely work full-time and, even when they can, it’s for a limited amount of time. The statistics below tell the same story in numbers.

  1. The nonprofit sector employs approximately 12.5 million people across the U.S. as of 2024.
  2. About 10% of the American workforce is employed by nonprofits, contributing significantly to the GDP.
  3. Volunteer demographics show that individuals under the age of 55 are more likely to participate than older age groups.
  4. Volunteers within nonprofits are twice as likely to contribute financially compared to non-volunteers.
  5. The average salary for nonprofit executives has increased by about 5% annually, reflecting competitive pressures for talent retention.
  6. Approximately 30% of nonprofit organizations have faced significant staffing shortages post-pandemic, affecting their operational capacity.
  7. Nearly half (48%) of nonprofit organizations report needing additional training for their staff on digital tools and fundraising strategies as of 2024.

Nonprofit Fundraising Statistics

How do nonprofits raise money? Who gives the most? What about the least?

We’ll answer all these questions and more in the nonprofit statistics below.

  1. Overall fundraising decreased among all donor groups by approximately 10% in 2023, particularly affecting major donor contributions.
  2. Giving Tuesday raised nearly $3.1 billion last year
  3. Over $1 billion come from online giving — in case you needed one more sign to spruce up your online marketing.
  4. About 1 in 4 nonprofit organizations don’t attempt to re-secure recurring donations after credit card information changes.
  5. Nonprofits raised an average of $76 for every 1,000 emails sent, a decrease from $90 in the previous year.
  6. Online donations are expected to continue climbing at a rate of approximately 13% annually through 2025.
  7. Over 90% of high income households donate to nonprofits. Good for you!
  1. About 82% of nonprofits that participated in Giving Tuesday tried out new fundraising strategies, reflecting innovation within the sector.
  2. The average online donation amount is estimated at around $170, showing growth compared to previous years’ figures, but still not enough to cover administrative expenses or inflation.
  3. Approximately half (50%) of all fundraising efforts are now conducted online due to shifts in donor behavior post-pandemic.
  4. In December alone, nonprofits generate between 17-20% of their annual revenue, highlighting the importance of year-end campaigns.

OK, the statistics above paint the current picture in the nonprofit industry. But what about the future?

Let’s examine some nonprofit statistics that may not be a crystal ball but help us get a glimpse into the future of the industry.

42. The number of nonprofits in the U.S. increased by roughly 20% in 2023, surpassing over 1.8 million entities overall.

43. Charitable giving reached a new high in 2022, with nonprofits receiving around $520 billion in contributions and donations across various sectors.

44. The global nonprofit sector is estimated at over 10 million organizations worldwide, indicating significant growth opportunities for collaboration and funding initiatives.

45. Approximately one-third (33%) of nonprofits plan to invest more heavily into technology solutions for operations and fundraising by mid-2024.

46. Nonprofits affiliated with educational institutions generate up to $1.5 billion annually through sales related to their programs.
47. The rise in partnerships between nonprofits and commercial companies has been significant, with many businesses incorporating social responsibility into their operations.
48. Increased focus on transparency and reporting has led many nonprofits to adopt new technologies aimed at improving accountability.
49. Donations made through Facebook account for approximately 18% of all charitable contributions globally, showcasing the platform’s impact on giving trends.
50. Food collection and handouts are the top volunteer activities across the US, showing an increased need for nonprofits to get involved in improving the standard of life.

Nonprofit Statistics — Wrapping Things Up

In the upcoming years, we expect to see increased activity in the nonprofit industry. After working with thousands of nonprofits across the world, from big names like UNICEF to small local nonprofits, one thing is clear to us — we need them more than ever.

We need nonprofits to take charge where governments and lawmakers can’t. And we need them to remind us that we are all responsible for the world we live in.

At SyncApps, our way to support nonprofits is to make sure they can leverage integration at friendly prices, with dedicated discounts. Plus, all our nonprofit clients get dedicated calls with human iPaaS consultants so they can leverage our solution to the fullest.

All because we know how hard it is out theare and how hard it is to allocate money to marketing. We make sure your marketing has an above-average ROI.

Don’t believe us? See for yourself, SyncApps is free to try!

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