From Sales to Customer Success: Ensuring Your Long-Term Growth

Angie oversees Cazoomi's operations. She enjoys traveling, loves dogs, is a 1% Pledge supporter, and a start-up entrepreneur with investments in several APAC startups. 4 minute read

from sales to customer - how to ensure your long-term growth

A customer success strategy is essential for every business that strives for growth.

But what is customer success, you ask?

It is a professionally and scientifically engineered strategy designed to increase the customer lifetime value. The approach focuses on nurturing good relations with customers to make the business successful and ultimately lead to growth.

As a business, you want customers to stay and continue buying your products in the long-term, right? You want them to be loyal.

Let’s put things in perspective: sales refer to the number or amount of goods sold within a given time. What’s that got to do with loyalty? Quite a lot!

Over the years, most people have viewed customer success and sales as two separate entities.

However, it’s the sales team of each company that is responsible for initiating the first interaction with potential clients for customer success. It is a continuous cycle that generates revenue and builds trustworthy relations with clients.

Therefore, the two are intertwined. One could even say that sales have to turn into customer success to ensure long-term growth.

Here are a few areas that show the need for both sales and customer success acting as one entity for long-term growth.

1. Integration

There are independent functions in every business such as sales, finance, marketing, sales, and operation control. These systems work independently to achieve set goals. However, over the years, integration across different business functions has maximized on revenue and created better customer relations.

Integration provides a platform to share data and strategies across various departments to improve efficiency. For example, you can sync your Salesforce and Constant Contact through Cazoomi to improve customer relationship management. This way, you will allow central access to customer intelligence for both teams.

2. The Common Goal of Customer Success and Sales Team

The differentiating aspects of customer success and sales are the goals. Still, they share a primary goal of enhancing customer experience for retention and growth purposes. Briefly put, they both aim to SELL more. It is important to encourage these teams to collaborate in order to achieve this common goal.

For example, the sales team gets to pitch the product to new potential customers, while the customer success team comes up with effective approaches to retain them. Working together will help get the right-fit client who will not only purchase, but provide advocacy to enhance business growth.

3. Company Enrichment

This is achieved by sharing customer intelligence with other departments. Again, this can be easily done by integrating your mission-critical tools.

Company enrichment uses a feedback mechanism from consumers which can be tapped by the sales and customer success teams. This information can be used to re-model other departments and to enhance performance and customer experience.

4. Seamless Transition for the Customer

Every company rejoices whenever new customers come on board thanks to the sales team. But as soon as the sale is complete, the client is passed to the customer success department.

The latter has to ensure that what was promised to the clients is delivered. A seamless handover helps nurture a good relationship, increase customer value and the company’s revenue.

Think about it, though: what if there were no handover? What if the client’s experience is truly seamless and they get to keep in touch with the same people who brought them on board. This is what turning sales into customer success can offer.

Before you rush to merge these teams, ensure that collaboration between them is the right foundation for delivering the right user experience. Help them work together by providing them with the right tools for sharing information and insights.

If you need help with boosting the productivity of your departments, the Cazoomi experts are just a phone call or an email away. Get in touch with us – we’d be happy to recommend the right automation tools that fit your needs and your budget.

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