3 months ago, a MailChimp for Salesforce subscriber suggested that we should make an integration involving Eventbrite, a platform that lets people such as event organizers to plan, promote, and sell tickets to events publishing them to Facebook, Twitter and other social networking tools, and Salesforce.
Wanting to track event attendance, determine what kind of events being attended and the top event attendees, then picture the global community through Salesforce, the user hoped that this will be realized with SyncApps.
Wala, SyncApps Salesforce to Eventbrite was rolled out this Fall.
One of its major features is that Salesforce Contacts, Leads or Accounts, Person accounts can be synced to an Eventbrite contact list. Salesforce always takes higher precedence over Eventbrite so any CRM record changes in Salesforce will always be synced to Eventbrite.
Check out the other features.
NOTE: The Contact tab in the Field Mapping Step 4 is looking at the Contact in Salesforce and Eventbrite for mapping. The said the Event tab is for the Event in Eventbrite and Salesforce Campaign.
How does it work?
Within the last 90 days, a Salesforce campaign will be created for each Eventbrite event. When creating an Email Event in Eventbrite, the registrant, if not in Salesforce as a Lead or Contact, will be automatically created, and the event is a Campaign on their Salesforce record.
If the Contact or Lead already exists in Salesforce, the event is simply a Campaign on their Salesforce record.
With this integration, the Payment Status, Registration Status, and Guest Count are also synced.
See the full conversation on our support thread here.