Healthcare Industry Leader Gains 360-degree View using Constant Contact for Salesforce

Angie oversees Cazoomi's operations. She enjoys traveling, loves dogs, is a 1% Pledge supporter, and a start-up entrepreneur with investments in several APAC startups. 3 minute read

In order to provide quality healthcare service while staying on top of their marketing and delivering government contracts, Qsource uses Salesforce for its contact management and Constant Contact for targeted marketing.

Qsource is a Nonprofit healthcare provider across the United States, and they work for government agencies, managed care contractors, physicians, hospitals, nursing homes, home health agencies, and many other healthcare professionals virtually.

Providing healthcare services for nursing needs is the most focus for the Qsource team, especially when the time of the pandemic.

With their two core systems, Salesforce only looks for demographic data for contacts and Constant Contact for catching all our campaigns and emails.

“We were missing the boat looking at our contacts and our clients from a 360-degree perspective, as Constant Contact and Salesforce are not currently talking to each other.”

Through Salesforce and Constant Contact automation, they now have the ability to combine all their data and keep track of all the results and touchpoints in every facility.

Like a lot of Nonprofits Organizations, Qsource finds SyncApps a powerful automation software to seamlessly integrates data and highlight this feature:

  • Manage multiple systems effectively using automation.
  • Simplify processes to focus on strengthening connections with government contractors, and facility staff and delivering better healthcare solutions and services through leads obtained from Email Automations.
  • Track time and money spent and progress on projects using rules-based features.

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Qsource, using their Constant Contact for Salesforce integration, can now sync Salesforce Campaigns to their Member List in Constant Contact. By doing so, they will be able to update their facility members accurately since all opt-outs are actively and automatically managed by SyncApps.

sync Salesforce Campaigns to their Member List in Constant Contact

“Salesforce and Constant Contact, we were able to provide analytics that none of our competitors can. Combining those two data sources into powerful dashboards and visualizations“

Syncing marketing metrics from Salesforce to Constant Contact will allow Qsource to sync opens, bounces, URLs clicked, and completed status to avoid clutter in Salesforce and create a task to send events from Constant Contact.

Syncing marketing metrics from Salesforce to Constant Contact

  • Seamless syncing of their clients’ records and automating their marketing to their respective categories of health services.
  • See insights from both platforms at a glance; no more switching between Salesforce and Constant Contact.
  • Align your marketing strategy for the organization’s goals.
  • Quickly spot leads that are ready to be converted and focus your efforts on them.
  • Eliminate manual work and stop wasting tens of hours each month on manual data imports and migration.
  • Qsource provides their clients and members information that they can rely on their healthcare services provider even in uncertain times.

Using unique features like Constant Contact’s Open Rates and Click Rates right inside of Salesforce, it is easier to gain visualizations of marketing results and put them into action for more improvements and increased leads.