Absolute Advisory

By Angie in Customer Stories Customer Stories | 3 minute read

Absolute Advisory is a US-based consulting business whose mission is to empower future leaders with the right IT solutions. As a consulting business, Absolute Advisory has to be the first to learn about new solutions and the first to test them out.


Absolute Advisory is a US-based consulting business whose mission is to empower future leaders with the right IT solutions. As a consulting business, Absolute Advisory has to be the first to learn about new solutions and the first to test them out.


Absolute Advisory uses Salesforce and Constant contact in-house, but also for their clients. Both Salesforce and Constant Contact are amazing solutions, with proven track results.

But what good would a consultant be if they simply recommended best-selling tools that anyone has access to?


While Salesforce and Constant Contact are great on their own, if you really want to take your marketing and sales to the next level, you need a way to make them “speak” to each other. Absolute Advisory knows that.

And now their clients know it too. This is how they get important leverage over their competition: by using solutions that offer your unparalleled insights.


Absolute Advisory has tested the Constant Contact for Salesforce integration. The results of the test were so impressive, that they recommended it to their clients. They were especially impressed with one of the features: syncing marketing metrics from Salesforce to Constant Contact:

How does this feature work? Check it out:

Want to track the Marketing Metrics such as Opens, Clicks, Bounces back to Salesforce from your Constant Contact Campaign(s)? Select this feature.

Sync Marketing Metrics

How does this feature help?

Key Outcomes

This is what Absolute Advisory and their clients were able to accomplish by using the Salesforce and Constant Contact integration (and what you can accomplish, too!):

  • Enabling this feature will allow you to sync Constant Contact Marketing Metrics back to Salesforce, such as opens, clicks, bounces, and links clicked.
  • First, you will need to enable this feature in Step 1 of the Sync Profile and select the “Campaign Response Sync Mode” then tap Next and wait up until the screen shows up the Step 2 of the Sync Profile then login to your Salesforce Account. Set up the Salesforce layout, which is explained in this Help Center article: Campaign Layout.
  • There are different types of Campaign Response Sync Mode too, so set it up based on your requirement.

See How Marketing Metrics works here:

See Constant Contacts for Salesforce detailed guide here.

Syncing all their marketing metrics to campaigns just tap “Sync All Campaigns” from Salesforce to Constant Contact, by doing this you don’t need to reset sync the process for any new campaign is added.

Sync All Active Campaigns

Bottom line, this feature helps you:

  • See insights from both platforms at a glance, no more switching between Salesforce and Constant Contact.
  • Align your marketing with your sales strategy and business goals.
  • Quickly spot leads that are ready to be converted and focus your efforts on them.
  • Eliminate manual work and stop wasting tens of hours each month on manual data imports and migration.

Deselecting all Campaigns in Step 1 will then automatically sync over any Active Campaigns from Salesforce to Constant Contact.

Ready to leverage the same benefits as Absolute Advisory and their clients? Free integration is just one click away!